pea n. (pl. peas, 〔古、英方〕 pease ) 1.豌豆;豌豆类。 2.豌豆状物;〔美俚〕棒球。 garden peas 豌豆。 green peas 青豌豆〔做菜用〕。 split peas 去皮干豌豆〔做汤用〕。 sweet pea 香豌豆。 Oregon pea 绿豆。 pea coal 小块煤。 as like as two peas 一模一样,活象。
garden n. 1.庭园;花园;菜园;果园。 2.〔pl.〕 公园,(动、植物)园;露天饮食店。 3.〔pl.〕 〔英国〕(一排或数排房屋并种有树木的)…广场,…街。 土地肥沃的地区,精耕细作的土地。 4.〔G-〕 〔美国〕新泽西州的别名。 5.〔the G-〕 伊壁鸠鲁 (Epicurus) 学派。 Everything in your garden is nice. 你家园子里的一切都是好的〔反语,其真实含义为:“别把你家的一切都看得那么美!”〕。 a back garden 后花园。 botanical [zoological] gardens 植[动]物园。 a kitchen garden菜园。 a market garden供应市场菜蔬、花果的农圃。 nursery garden苗圃。 a public garden公园。 Queen's G- 女王广场。 common or garden 普通的,平凡的。 G- of Eden (《圣经》中所说亚当和夏娃所住的)伊甸园,没有罪恶的圣洁之地。 lead sb. up [down] the garden (path) 使迷惑,诱人误入歧途。 the G- of the Gods (美国 Colorado Springs 市附近的)奇岩园地带。 adj. 1.花园的,果园的。 2.花园似的,风光优美的。 3.生长于园中的,在园中栽培的〔相对于野生的而言〕。 4.普通的,平凡的,老一套的。 vi. 栽培花木,从事园艺。 garden for pleasure 栽培花木以自娱。 vt. 把…开辟为花园[菜园、果园]。 n. 加登〔姓氏〕。
Garden pea garden pea is commonly grown in winter . most of the garden pea sold in hong kong are imported 荷兰豆又名软荚豌豆,是冬季常见的豆类蔬菜,过往在市场销售的荷兰豆大多以入口为主。
Garden pea gives high yield and the harvest period is two months long . it is suitable to be grown in hong kong during the cool season 荷兰豆产量大,采收期长达两个月,适合在本港较凉的季节栽种。
Futheralong , the work of gregor mendel , an austrian monk , on garden peas established the quantitative discipline of genetics 现在仍然是基因控制的一种途径。随后,奥地利僧侣格里格?孟德尔关于国栽豌豆的著述确立了遗传学的定量规律。
Xiangjiao wrapped starter was produced by 90 % wheat and 10 % garden pea through grinding , starter - stepping and bank - entry fermentation ( adequate rise of starter - making temperature ) 摘要湘窖包包曲是以90 %的小麦加10 %的豌豆为原料,适当提高制曲温度,经粉碎、踩曲、入房发酵而成。
To encourage local farmers to grow new vegetable species to meet consumers need , the department held a seminar in january 2002 to introduce to farmers the cultivation of garden pea 为鼓励本地农民种植新品种蔬菜以迎合市场需求,渔护署在二零零二年一月举办优质蔬菜研习讲座,向农民介绍荷兰豆的栽种方法。
The afcd also completed studies on intensive greenhouse production for local adaptation . in addition , two new vegetable varieties suitable for local production ? white bitter cucumber and garden pea ? were introduced 此外,该署已完成环控温室作物生产的本地适应性研究,并引进两个适合本地种植的新蔬菜品种,即白玉苦瓜和软荚豌豆。
Examples of well - received new produce varieties are supersweet corn , coloured sweet pepper , spaghetti squash and zucchini . two varieties of vegetables , white bitter cucumber and garden pea , are introduced to farmers during the year 广受欢迎的新品种包括超甜粟米、彩色甜椒、鱼翅瓜及翠玉瓜,年内亦向农民推介白玉苦瓜及荷兰豆两种蔬菜。
Its making method is to go together green broad bean rice or green garden pea rice with the ham , pour into the iron pot to turn over to fry , and the bubble delivered the first - class and soft rice of the half an hour , boiling after adding the water up the vapor , then use the little fire to boil familiar , plus the refined salt , monosodium glutamate . etc 其格法是将青蚕豆米或青豌豆米配上火腿丁,倒进铁锅里翻炒一遍,再加上泡发了半小时的上等软米,加水后煮上汽,然后用文火焖熟,加上精盐味精等翻炒拌匀,即可上桌食用。