
garden pea中文是什么意思

  • 菜用豌豆



  • 例句与用法
  • Garden pea garden pea is commonly grown in winter . most of the garden pea sold in hong kong are imported
  • Garden pea gives high yield and the harvest period is two months long . it is suitable to be grown in hong kong during the cool season
  • Futheralong , the work of gregor mendel , an austrian monk , on garden peas established the quantitative discipline of genetics
  • Xiangjiao wrapped starter was produced by 90 % wheat and 10 % garden pea through grinding , starter - stepping and bank - entry fermentation ( adequate rise of starter - making temperature )
    摘要湘窖包包曲是以90 %的小麦加10 %的豌豆为原料,适当提高制曲温度,经粉碎、踩曲、入房发酵而成。
  • To encourage local farmers to grow new vegetable species to meet consumers need , the department held a seminar in january 2002 to introduce to farmers the cultivation of garden pea
  • The afcd also completed studies on intensive greenhouse production for local adaptation . in addition , two new vegetable varieties suitable for local production ? white bitter cucumber and garden pea ? were introduced
  • Examples of well - received new produce varieties are supersweet corn , coloured sweet pepper , spaghetti squash and zucchini . two varieties of vegetables , white bitter cucumber and garden pea , are introduced to farmers during the year
  • Its making method is to go together green broad bean rice or green garden pea rice with the ham , pour into the iron pot to turn over to fry , and the bubble delivered the first - class and soft rice of the half an hour , boiling after adding the water up the vapor , then use the little fire to boil familiar , plus the refined salt , monosodium glutamate . etc
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